Related: Wonder Egg Priority Exposes the Toxic Side of Idol Culture Mamoru Kanbe's directing this season really seems to be emphasizing the calmer aspects of the kids' lives, perhaps to make the jolts of terror all the more intense in comparison. So what danger does the anime serve up for the kids this week in lieu of an unstable ally and a perilous journey to a hunting ground? For the first half of the episode, it's mostly basic survival tasks, including a humorous scene where Ray and two of the younger kids have to taste test a freshly caught species of land-fish to make sure it's not poisonous. At least the names of his fallen Glory Bell comrades were shown on the shelter walls this time, so perhaps more aspects of this arc will show up in different forms. With Mister nonexistent and Emma already receiving the phone message from "William Minerva" (whose real name is revealed to actually be James Ratri) about finding the human world, it seems as if the whole Goldy Pond arc is being skipped over. RELATED: Why The Promised Neverland Is the Best Anti-Shonen Shonen

Having an older, more jaded survivor of the farms reluctantly joining ranks with the kids made for great drama in the manga, but by the end of Episode 4, the kids have already left the shelter with no sign of Mister hiding around anywhere. The big disappointment is the complete elimination of Mister, which most likely means the elimination of the fan-favorite Goldy Pond arc.

This heavy divergence from the source material isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does raise a lot of questions, and those who read the manga might find themselves disappointed or confused. Episode 4 of Season 2 pushes the show way closer to the latter. Last week's episode of The Promised Neverland appeared to be a tipping point for the anime, proving that Season 2 was going to at least change a lot from the manga if not just abandon its plot entirely.

WARNING: This following contains spoilers for The Promised Neverland Season 2, Episode 4, now streaming on Funimation and Hulu.